Blitz (118/144)

From:Maciej Nowicki
Date:26 May 2001 at 00:38:58
Subject:Re: THX replayers

Witka David!

By³ to dzieñ Czwartek, 24-Maj-01
Otrzyma³em wówczas od ciebie takie co¶:

> On 24 May 2001, at 22:42, Maciej Nowicki wrote:
>> I've one question (again.. :) - does anybody know any nice and easy to
>> use THX replaying routine for blitz? Or example how to use
>> thxplay.library in blitz. I must have CIA based routine for my proggie.
>> please help!
> Where do you get that, I can't find it on Aminet?

on old cover CD from polish amiga magazine. Mail me if you want it. But I
still don't know how can I manage with my problem =(


Makak/Reason+Moons+Excess staff

Liquid Skies Records organizer

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